This is the continuation of Part 1, continue reading.

All Scripture passages are taken from the King James Translation unless indicated otherwise.


Anyone claiming to be a Believer and yet claiming they have demons dwelling in them and operating from within them is an impostor. They’re aligning themselves with lying spirits that have merely been used by the adversary and his agents in their futile effort to confuse the ignorant and attempt to subvert the truth. Such a person is reeling in grave ignorance!

You see, just like monkeys do, demons, when given the right of way, can fasten or attach themselves on any part of a person's body externally, and from there cause them bodily pain, malfunction of their body parts, or organ(s) in ways unknown to the natural human mind for now. But not through some special spiritual power, which they no longer possess over man, because Jesus has already disarmed them of such power or authority. (Col. 2: 15).

Sometimes, demons may also not be externally attached to a person's body, but yet afflict them and cause them pain or sickness, through some diabolically orchestrated and manipulative thought patterns projected at that person, which the person ignorantly embraces, which begin to play out in minds, thereby causing a break down in their body or making them remain sick. This is so because to a great extent, if not in all cases, the mind controls the body. This however doesn't necessarily mean the demon resides inside the person's spirit, nor live inside the person. This is the case with many Believers. This doesn't mean such Believers need deliverance prayer. They simply need to receive the healing that is already theirs in Christ.

The Bible clearly points out certain cases where certain people received healing from ailments or sicknesses that were demon-related. The moment the demons relinquished their hold on the person's body, they were instantly healed. There is no such thing as "deliverance prayer." Let alone conducting deliverance prayer for a Believer. Such a thought is ridiculous.

First Peter 5:8-9 declares, “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. RESIST him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of suffering.”

Some of today’s so-called “Deliverance ministers” often claim that it is a matter of semantics. They say this to find an excuse to allow them to continue their unscriptural and hypocritical practice of attempting to cast out imaginary demons from Believers.

These so-called “Deliverance Ministers” in practice disagree with the truth. They state there is a space inside the Believer’s body where a demon can squeeze itself into and indwell there until it is discovered and cast out. However, the Bible nowhere teaches such rubbish! Religion truly is wicked indeed!

No, this is not a matter of semantics, but of knowing and understanding the truth and taking our stand on it.

Just as Jesus declares, it’s the truth that makes people free (John 8: 32).

And Paul tells us to rightly divide the word of truth (1 Timothy 2: 15).  

One other way to understand that anyone who is Born Again cannot be demon-possessed is that; one of the characteristics of demons is such that they usually show an attempt to prevent the individual in whom they’re indwelling, from receiving Christ. So if there was a person you are attempting to lead to Christ and they have a violent demon possessing them, the demon is going to put up some false show of resistance, and so the only option in this case is that since you have identified the presence of a demon in the person, through those unwarranted violent resistance, you can then go ahead to first cast out the demon, and then proceed to lead the person to Christ. But so long as that demon is still indwelling that individual, it will keep on making the individual resist salvation violently, unless it is evicted.

Therefore, for the fact that any individual is able to receive Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior, without any form of violent resistance, or violent opposition, this is the easiest proof that there is no demon indwelling that person at all or any longer. Otherwise, if there was still a violent demon remaining in the person, if it doesn’t first leave then the demon will continue to react and cause resistance against the change of ownership.

On the other hand if the demon isn’t a violent one, it will quietly leave without putting up any outward show of resistance, the moment the individual is confessing Christ to receive the New Birth.

Demons as known can leave in either of two ways; Quietly or violently. Whichever way it is, the fact is that they must relinquish ownership of the individual in whom they’re dwelling and leave first, and then the Holy Spirit takes over and recreates the person’s spirit.

This truth in a way, is also exemplified in Jesus' statement in Matthew 12:29 and Mark 3:27. In other words, you cannot lead a demon-possessed person to Christ unless you first get out the demon (strong man) in that person.

Know also that casting out demons is not deliverance. (head on to my Youtube channel to watch the video Is Casting Out Demons Deliverance?)

Based on what has been explained earlier, we can see that anyone who gets Born Again, cannot be demon-possessed, because there’s been a change of ownership.

For the fact that an individual receives Christ i.e. gets Born Again, is indisputable evidence that they are not demon-possessed any longer (i.e. if they were demon-possessed before the time they received Christ), and they can never again forever be, because no demon is strong enough to overpower, or evict the Holy Spirit who now lives inside the Believer, to repossess the individual's spirit, or dwell in their body again.

Based on this truth, trying to cast out a demon from a Born Again person is the most ridiculous thing to do.



The final thing I want us to see is to further explain the impossibility of Believers becoming demon-possessed.  

Let me reiterate here that demons cannot enter into a person who is already Born Again. This is because there is no room in the Believer’s body, for lease by any demon.

Our body is already indwelt by the Holy Spirit. We are forever sealed by the Holy Spirit (Ephesians. 1:13; 4:30). In addition to that, our body is the temple (eternal dwelling place) of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians. 3: 16; 6: 19, 20) 

Understand that before now, the Holy Spirit didn’t have a physical or human body. But by dwelling in us and making our bodies His permanent abode, He now has a physical or human body to call His. Our body is now the body of the Holy Spirit which He will wear for all eternity. He will never relinquish our bodies forever.

Another reason why God sealed us with His Holy Spirit is to ensure the following,

●The First Reason, is to ensure we can no longer be spiritually contaminated.

●The Second Reason, is to guarantee the eternal security of our salvation.

●The Third Reason, Is that it is proof of God's mark of ownership of us.

●The Fourth reason, is to make it impossible for Satan and his demons to have access to our Born Again Spirit, or from entering and occupying our bodies. Paul tells us that both our spirit and body are the temple of God. (1 Corinthians. 3:16; 6:19; 2 Corinthians. 6:16). 

These scriptures above show how absolutely impossible it is for any Believer to be demon-possessed. How can a demon get into someone that God has forever sealed by His Holy Spirit? Impossible!

Some Believers due to some repeated lapses in their lives, have been made to think that their problem is demonic and that they need to attend a deliverance session so that they can have the demon cast out. That’s a lie. The problem is not demonic. You don’t need deliverance. It’s simply a mind problem. Instead what you need is a renewing of your mind, and this can only happen as you continually immerse yourself in the Word of GOD and constantly feeding your mind on Grace truths.

Therefore, get rid of that insecure feeling, which always makes you worried thinking “What if I have a demon?” Or “what if I need deliverance?” I’ll tell you what you need. You need to know your identity in Christ. Always remember this, as long as you’ve confessed Christ as your lord and savior, you have no business anymore with demons. You cannot have a demon, not now! Never!!

Click here to return to Part 1

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