/SATAN THE DEFEATED (Truth Unveiled)/ SATAN THE DEFEATED (Truth Unveiled)


We’re here to break open another seal of Gospel truth. These are Biblical truths tradition or religion wouldn’t want you to know.

When Jesus used the expression “the gates of hell,” was He referring to a physical gate as in the gate of a house or city? Of course not! He was speaking in a metaphorical sense.

Mattthew 16:18 And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.   

Notice Jesus said “the gates of hell” not “the gates to hell.” Notice also that the word “gates” is plural not “gate” singular. This means not just one, but many. Another way we can render that expression “the gates of hell” is “the gates of darkness.”

In scripture, the expression gate or gates doesn’t just refer to a city's entrance or fortifications. It also refers to the commanding forces of a city or kingdom.

Here, by the use of the expression “the gates of hell,” Jesus is referring to the commanding defeated armies of Satan’s kingdom i.e., the governing or commanding armies of Satan, which would include the evil principalities, the powers, the despotic rulers of darkness roaming this world and the spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians. 6:12).



Going further, we have to understand here also the difference between the principalities and powers in the heavenly places and the principalities and powers in the high places. People often overlook or do not realize the difference between these two regions of operations. You see, when the New Testament talks about “in the heavenly places” it is not referring to “in the high places” and when it speaks of in the high places, it is not referring to the heavenly places. Most people usually think it does, and so you find them always using these terms interchangeably, without being aware of the distinctions.

Because of a lack of understanding of this distinction, the majority of Believers past and present have always erroneously thought that Satan and his demons operate "in the heavenly places" or "in the heavenly realms" where God’s rule dominates.

Satan, his demons, and all spiritual wickedness do not operate in the heavenly realms or heavenly places, but can only operate in the high places. So, what is the difference? And how does this benefit us in the Body of Christ?


If you observe carefully, all the verses in the New Testament where you find the expression “in the heavenly places,” especially in Ephesians, Satan and his demons are never mentioned. The expression is always used in connection to Christ, the Church, our blessings in Christ, and other heavenly creatures that operate under God’s perfect rule. (See Ephesians 1:3, 20; 2:6; 3:10).


Although the expression “in the high places” is also translated from the Greek word “epouranois,” yet this doesn’t mean the expression is referring to the heavenly places. It is not! Instead, the terminology refers to any place outside of Christ where Satan holds sway and is worshipped in ignorance. Clearly, “in the high places” isn’t referring to the heavenly realms (Eph 6:12).

Now let’s look at these two terms a little closer. Truly, the Greek word for “heavenly realms” and “high places” is “epouranois.” It’s actually the same Greek word but used to express two different ideas. There are many Greek words in this category, for instance, the word “autos” which on one hand is used about a person, such as him, her, himself, and herself. Yet this same word is also used when speaking of an inanimate object, and can also be translated as “it,” or “itself,” depending on what is being pointed or referred to.

Just like we have homonyms in the English language. A homonym as we know is a word that has two different meanings, but the same spelling. For instance, the words “right” (to turn right), and "right” (to be correct), or “bear” which can refer to a large carnivorous land mammal or to tolerate something. These words are spelled and pronounced the same way, yet their meanings differ. In this same sense the word “epouranious” being one word is used in two different ways to point to two different ideas.

Therefore, from the above explanation, we come to realize that Satan’s sphere of operation is not and cannot be in the heavenly places for two primary reasons;

I.   The Bible specifically tells us that he and his cohorts were cast down to the earth (Revelations. 12: 7-13). This does not mean Satan cannot fly in the air. He can, but the “heavenly places” is not his base of operation.


II. Believers live on earth and in the paradise of GOD above the heavens (the departed ones). The only Believers that Satan can tempt are those on earth. Therefore, his base of operation must be on earth where he can have access to tempt Believers. The high places therefore must refer to Satan’s base of operation on earth. 

The idea that Satan operates in the heavenly places above the earth originates from Greek mythology which crept into the Church world during the dark ages.

According to the ancient Greeks, it was believed that between God far above the heavens and man on earth, there was an intermediate zone in the spiritual or heavenly places in which evil spirits operated from where they tried to block humanity’s way to God. This is not what the New Testament teaches and is certainly not what Paul meant by the expression “in the high places.”

The term “epouranious” which means “heavenly realms,” is also used metaphorically as a way of speaking of the immaterial or invisible realm, in contrast to the material or visible world. Many have wrongly associated Satan and his demons with the spiritual or heavenly realms as being their sphere of abode or operation. But nowhere in the New Testament will you find the spiritual or heavenly realm associated with Satan and his fallen spirits as being their place of abode or sphere of operation. What many don’t realize is that if something is described to be immaterial or invisible, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s referring to the spiritual world or heavenly world. There are so many things in this world that are immaterial or invisible, e.g., air, but that doesn’t mean they’re in the spiritual or heavenly realms. Yes, Satan, his fallen angels, and demons are spirits, but this doesn’t mean they reside or operate in the spiritual or heavenly realm.

It is true also that the spiritual or heavenly world is also immaterial, but realize that it’s not the only immaterial or invisible realm there is. The mental realm is also immaterial, yet is not the spiritual realm, nor part of it. Thinking the spiritual realm is the only immaterial realm there is to be limited in understanding. 

So, in using the expression “high places,” Paul is primarily using it to describe the hidden places under the earth from where evil spirits emerge to tempt people or cause those that do their bidding to unleash their wicked activities. He’s not referring to the spiritual or heavenly realms.


In Ephesians 2:2, Satan is referred to as “the prince of the power of the air.” The expression “power of the air” does not also mean that Satan lives in the air. He can fly into the air, and operate in the air or atmosphere, but his base is not in the air or heavens above. Satan doesn’t have his barracks or garrisons in the heavens above. Stop believing such trash. You remember he was cast down to the earth (Rev. 12: 7-13). 

If Satan the devil was still operating in the heavens, if he still had his garrisons of evil in the heavens, why then would the archangel declare that the inhabitants of the heavens should rejoice? It’s simply because Satan was cast down from having access or passage through the heavens. He lost his right to ascend, operate, or remain a resident of the heavenly realms, after the resurrection of Christ.

Rev 12:12  So rejoice, you heavens, and every heavenly being! But woe to the earth and the sea, for the devil has come down to you with great fury, because he knows his time is short. (Highlights made by me).

Rev 12:13 Now, when the dragon realized that he had been cast down to the earth, he set off in pursuit of the woman who had given birth to the man-child. (TPT, highlights made by me).

Therefore, all of those teachings portraying Satan and his demons as operating from the heavenly realms, miss the point that the New Testament revelations present about the restrictions placed on Satan and his demons by the resurrection. 

So, you see, Satan’s base is here on earth and under the earth. The word “air” as used in the expression “the prince of the power of the air” (Ephesians 2: 2) is used to present or portray the fact that even though Satan and his demons are not operating in the heavenly realms, nonetheless, they are operating in an invisible or immaterial realm that is far lower than the heavenly realms, and cannot be seen or touched, just as we can’t see or touch the air or atmosphere around us.  

By the expression “the prince of the power of the air,” Paul is not promoting Satan, nor is he trying to make him appear to be powerful, as many have misconstrued this phrase. Instead, he is using the expression to describe that Satan and his invisible kingdom of fallen angels, spirits, and demons have been demoted and consigned to a realm that is by far lower than the spiritual or heavenly realms.   

Like I said the word “air” here is not referring to the spiritual or heavenly realms where GOD’S angels reside and operate from. Those insisting that the phrase referring to Satan as “the prince of the power of the air,” and saying it means he is ruler of the spiritual or heavenly realm, are far from understanding the truth that the apostle Paul is conveying to us by the use of that expression. The reason is that Satan can’t be the ruler of the spiritual or heavenly realms, because there are holy angels and other benevolent heavenly creatures loyal to Christ that reside and operate in the spiritual or heavenly realm, and of course, Satan can’t be their ruler any more than an earthworm can be the governor of Las Vegas. That would be a ridiculous thing to imagine. So, you see by using the expression “prince of the power of the air,” Paul isn’t saying that Satan operates in the spiritual or heavenly realms, nor is he the ruler of the spiritual realm.

Truly Satan, his fallen angels, and demons are spirit beings, no doubt about that, but then their sphere of operation is no longer in the spiritual or heavenly realms. They’ve been logged out permanently from that realm, and so can no longer operate there, but reside and operate now in a realm that is lower than the spiritual or heavenly realms, which Paul describes as “the air.” Satan does not operate in the Spiritual realm.

The word “air” as used in Ephesians 2: 2 is a metaphorical term. And has a dual meaning. First, Paul used this term to describe the region where human beings exist. This speaks of the lower region where Satan, his fallen angels, and demons are busy at work. The word never refers to the main spiritual or heavenly realms where holy angels reside and operate from but is simply speaking of the invisible atmosphere or realm (not the spiritual or heavenly realms) within this earth realm, where Satan and his demonic forces have been confined and where they hold sway or operate from, but cannot go beyond it. The realm of darkness, deception, and lies (flying around), where unseen fallen angels or demonic spirits operate, influencing human thoughts, and reasoning, seeking to deceive humanity, in opposition to Christ.

Greek scholars also inform us that the Jews never designate the “air” as the dwelling place of holy angels but of Satan, fallen angels, and demons. It is in this context that Paul designates Satan as being the ruler of the power of the air. (Ephesians 2: 2; 6: 12, The Complete Word Study Dictionary, Revised Edition 1993).

Secondly, the word “air” is also used to describe all fallen spirits in connection with Satan. We know this because the Hebrew word translated as “spirit” is “ruach,” which is equivalent to the word “aer” and is sometimes described as wind, breath, air, or spirit, and the context in which these words appear and what they are used in connection with determines the kind of spirit referred to. From this, we realize why Scripture often connects the movement of spirits to air, because they’re both translated from the same Hebrew or Greek words. So, the word “air” in Ephesians 2: 2, because it’s used in connection to Satan, needs no further probing, but is clear that it is referring to all fallen spirits.


The word “power” as we know is translated from the Greek word “exousia” which can mean any of the following – Force, authority, the right to act, power, etc. But the meaning also includes domain, jurisdiction, operations, realm, and kingdom. In the case of Satan, it doesn’t mean he has any power to do as he pleases. He has no such powers. Rather, the word power in the phrase “the prince of the power of the air,” simply speaks of jurisdiction, realm, domain, or kingdom. Notice the phrase does not say “powers” but power. Meaning that it’s not referring to the domain or realm of fallen creatures.

This understanding throws wide open the curtains for us to realize what the apostle is unveiling to us by the idiomatic expression referring to Satan as “the prince of the power of the air.” It is simply describing Satan as the ruler of all fallen spirits that operate within the realm, jurisdiction, domain, or kingdom within the regions where human exist, and are confined to this region or realm. This evil realm of the fallen spirits is the enclave of the unseen evil forces of Satan and all damned spirits that operate invisibly in this earth realm.

You can see that none of these has anything to do with the spiritual or heavenly realm, where our blessing is (Ephesians 1: 3), and where Godly angels reside and operate from.



How are these truths shared here a blessing to you today? They are because they help you come to the realization that since Satan, his demons, and fallen angels, are no longer operating in the spiritual or heavenly realms, nor residing there, then it means that the false or religious teaching that Satan blocks your prayers from reaching to GOD is indeed a man-made religious fallacy, aimed at keeping many in the darkness of ignorance, but is here demystified and dismantled.

Another reason why the religious fallacy that Satan or fallen angels can block people’s prayers is a hoax is that the prayer-answering GOD now lives inside of us. When we pray, our prayers don’t ascend upwards to GOD like incense or smoke, or maybe there’s a fiery waiting with a big bowl, to gather our prayers and ascend upwards to go meet GOD above. These are the kinds of ridiculous ideas that religion gives to people. Our prayers get answered here on earth, not in heaven above. This is so because the prayer answering GOD now lives inside us forever.

Besides this, the teaching that you have to cast Satan, principalities, powers, and demons down from the heavenlies is totally misleading. There’s nothing to cast down, other than negative thoughts, reasonings, lies, and philosophies, in people's minds, (2 Corinthians 10: 3 - 5) that Satan uses to hold them in his net. Aside from these, spiritually speaking, even while here on earth, we operate in the spiritual or heavenly realms where Satan, his fallen angels, or demons cannot assess, nor ascend to.

This indeed is awesome!

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