What is the fruit
of righteousness? What does the Bible say about this? Many have said
the fruit of righteousness refers to a believer’s good behavior or good works. Well, I believe in right living as the product of right believing. But that’s not
what the fruit of righteousness means. The fruit of righteousness does not mean
good works. Anybody can be good. As a matter of fact, you don’t have to be a Christian
to be a good person or to do well.
Notice that the word “fruit”
in the term “fruit of righteousness” is expressed in the singular tense in
the following passages; Hebrews 12:11,
James 3:18, Amos 6:12, Proverbs
11:30. However, in Philippians
1:11, it is called “Fruits of
righteousness”. Notice the “s” after the word fruit. They all
mean the same thing. The “s” does not change the meaning of
the term. The KJV translators should not have added the “s” to the word fruit. This
is so because the Greek word translated as fruit is “Karpon or Kapos”. In
this sense, it is never used in the plural sense. This is so because a
particular tree never bears different kinds of fruits, but a particular type of
fruit synonymous with it. For instance, an orange tree can only bear one type of
fruit-i.e. Orange fruit. No matter their number, they’re still the same kind of
fruit. So when you say “orange fruit”
you’re referring to a particular kind of fruit, not fruits from other kinds of
trees. So Paul never used the word “Karpon” in these scriptures in
reference to different kinds of fruit. Do you now see the reason why the word “Fruit”
should never have been pluralized by translators? Thank God for them “sha” (meaning;
You remember the Bible calls us “Trees of Righteousness,” (Isaiah 61:3). This means we bring forth
the “fruit
of righteousness.” To truly understand what this means, we must first
understand the meaning of the word “righteousness”. I am going to go
straight to the point. “Righteousness” In simple explanation
means “Right Standing.” It speaks of the perfect right standing which
we have with God the Father. That is, the perfect kind of nature and
relationship which we have with Him through our union with Christ in the New
Therefore, the “Fruit of righteousness” simply speaks
of the result or effect of this new relationship which we now have with God our
father in Christ. How do we know
this is true? Do we have any scripture to prove this truth? Of course we do.
God has given us a revelation of this in the Old Testament. You see, it is very
important for you to know that, you can only use the Bible to unlock/understand
the Bible. Not by mere human guess or opinion of sense knowledge. The word of
God is very plane on this.
The Bible tells us plainly that the “fruit of righteousness”
is Peace,
which brings rest and assurance forever. Isaiah while
prophesying tells us that;
“The fruit of that righteousness will be
peace; its effect will be quietness and confidence forever.” (Isaiah 32:17, NIV).
Do you see it now?
The Peace referred to here is not the peace of the world as some people may think. It is peace with God. That
is to say, righteousness produces in us a kind of peace with God, such that we
no longer live or walk in condemnation, guilty, and fear in God’s presence
because of our union with Him through our Lord Jesus Christ. This peace is one that
gives us assurance or security and that makes us to stop struggling to please
God. Many Christians, in their effort to please God wind up struggling in
religion. This doesn’t please God. Religion can never please God, but faith
does, Hebrews 11; 6.
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