(John 15:10-12 )
What does Jesus mean by this statement in the above Bible verse? When referring to this scripture, many Christians and
ministers explain it in a way that makes you think Jesus is talking about the
Ten Commandments or commandments of the law. They read a wrong meaning into it,
making it seem as if we Christians are to obey, observe or fulfill the
Commandments of the law of which the Ten Commandments are a part. This is the
way cranky Christians interpret this verse, and many other New Testament passages
that seem to say something similar.
Often times, we hear well educated preachers use this
scripture to promote a wrong perception of the Christian faith, and also preach
law to the body of Christ.There are many Christians and ministers who are yet
to truly understand the New Covenant or the finished work of Christ. They make
Christianity look as if it has to do with law keeping or rule keeping. This
wrong concept of Christianity has given rise to a works mentality amongst
ignorant Christians, who have been deceived to think that keeping the
commandments of the law is the way to make God love them more. For example, As
a result of this wrong understanding of the New Covenant, many people have
erroneously believed that the way to obtain salvation and sustain it is by trying
as much as they can to obey the law and keep its commandments. This wrong
mindset has ruined the joy of many believers and robbed them of their peace of
mind, because of the frustration they constantly experience in their futile
effort in trying to please God by observing the Old Testament laws and
A lack of proper understanding of the finished work of
Christ among ministers has robbed God’s people greatly. It has given rise to all
the misunderstanding, erroneous concepts and all the sense knowledge teachings
we hear in the Christian world of today.
A proper study and understanding of John 15:10,
reveals that when Jesus made the statement “if ye keep my commandments”, He was not talking about keeping the
Law of Moses or asking us or anyone to obey or observe the commandments of the
law. We know this to be true because the Bible informs us that in His earthly
ministry, Jesus teaching was different from that of the Scribes and the
Pharisees. Jesus was never a teacher of the Law, but the Scribes and the
Pharisees were. The Bible informs us that,
“The people listened with
amazement to His teaching--for there was authority about it: it was very
different from that of the Scribes.”(Mark 1:22, Weymouth)
The Scribes and the Pharisees were the ones teaching and
advocating the Law of Moses and its commandments.The title Scribe means,
“Teacher of the law”. If
Jesus was teaching the same things and in the same way the Scribes were
teaching, the people would not have been astonished, because Jesus teachings
wouldn’t have been in any way new to them. But we are told that the people were
amazed at His teaching, why? The reason is that Jesus wasn’t teaching in the
same way and the same things the Pharisees and Scribes were teaching. This is a
very good eye opener.
So, what then was Jesus teaching? He was teaching the
New Birth through faith in Him, and all the realities of the new Life in Him.
He taught such things as; eternal
Life, Love, God’s kind of faith, righteousness by faith, the Holy Spirit,
Forgiveness of Sins, etc.
Jesus never encouraged anyone to depend on the Law of
Moses for their salvation. Instead, He asked people to come to Him,
“Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will
give you rest. (Matt
Some people think that the word commandment in John 15: 10 refers
to the Ten Commandments or some other laws or commandments we are to keep.
That’s not true. Many Christians have been made to believe that keeping the Ten
Commandments and other laws of God will make God love them, or love them more.
This idea is erroneous. Such wrong teaching comes because people misunderstand what
Jesus meant when He said,“If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my
love;”(John 15:10).
So many people fail to understand that God’s love for us
is not dependent upon our performance. Paul made this clear to us in His
epistle to the Romans. He tells us that God’s love was commended towards us
while we were yet sinners (Rom 5:8). We
certainly weren’t keeping the Ten Commandments or obeying the laws of Moses
before we received Christ, yet God loved us. Therefore, it is evident that God’s
willingness to love us does not depend on us keeping the commandments of the
“If ye keep my
commandments”, or “if
ye obey my commandments”, are poor translations of the text. There is no commandment
or law to obey in the new covenant. Jesus isn’t asking us to obey anything. It
is wrong to tell people today to obey the word of God. Have you noticed that
when people claim they are obeying the word of God, and you ask them which word
of God they are obeying, they will refer you to the commandments of the law,
and start quoting the Old Testament Laws and Commandments? They will begin to
tell you the things you should do and the things you should not do in order for
you to please God-thou shalt not do this
or that... This shows that they are actually still operating with law
Christians who operate with law mentality fail to
realize that the Christian faith is not about keeping rules and regulations in
order to appease God, or make Him love and accept them.As a matter of truth,
let me point out here that a person’s eternal destiny is not determined by the
way he/she lives. It is not how you live that determines whether you will go to
heaven or hell. It is not whether you are keeping one rule or another.The
determining factor is whether you have ever been born again by receiving Jesus
Christ as your Lord and Savior. I am not saying the way people live their lives
does not matter, off course it does. I believe in right-living. And right living
is as a result of right-believing. However, what I am saying is that, it is not
your right living in terms of your good works or good efforts that determine
your eternal destiny (Eph 2:5, 8; Rom
11:6; Gal 2:16; 3:10, 11).
So you see, in John
15:10, Jesus isn’t asking us to obey the commandments and laws of religion.
In order to understand what Jesus is saying in John 15:10, we have to take a closer look at the following key
words; "Keep","Commandments" and "Abide." These
three key words here are misunderstood by so many.They form the major bone of
contention in this verse and some other verses that are saying a similar thing,
as some religious folks try to explain it in their law mindset. But the
confusion will go away once a person turns his/her heart away from the veil of
the law (2 Cor 3:16).
The word KEEP
is translated from the Greek word “Tereo”.
It is pronounced as “tay-reh-o”
(Strong’s). Here it is used in the literal sense with the idea of “keeping the eyes fixed upon”(The Complete
Word Study Dictionary). This implies, to
stay focused upon, to concentrate upon. When used in the figurative sense,
the word means; to obey, fulfill a duty,
precept, Law, observe, etc.
The problem here is that most translators assume that
Jesus used this word in the figurative sense, so they usually translate it as, obey, observe, keep, etc. This is what
you’ll see in most translations. But you see, when you understand that in the
New Testament, obedience to rules and regulations is not a condition for us to
enjoy God’s Love, you will realize why it is erroneous for anyone to cajole
people to obey the law. Nowhere in the New Testament will you find God urging
us to obey Him. He never asked us to obey Him because Jesus has already obeyed
Him for us (Romans 5:19). Under the New Covenant, the obedience of Jesus is
credited to everyone who receives Jesus as Lord and Savior. This is why we are
never coaxed to try and obey God. Instead we are called “obedient children” (1 Peter 1:14).
It is important you understand that under the Old
Covenant, Obedience to the Law was the condition for the Israelites' to enjoy
the benefits of the Old Covenant. However, for us under the New Covenant, we
are never asked to try and obey God in order for us to enjoy the benefits of
the new covenant.
Most times we see Christians and ministers who
forcefully urge people to obey God or else suffer His wrath. This is very un-scriptural under the New Covenant. Such people do so because they think God
is dealing with us today as though we are still governed under the Old
Covenant. They fail to realize this
truth, and it’s a pity.
Therefore, the word "KEEP"
in John 15:10 does not mean to obey,
or to fulfill a duty.
is the next key word I want us to look at.Here it has nothing to do with the commandments of the law, or rules and regulations. Why do most
people fail to understand this when they read this verse? It is because they
read it out of context. Secondly, they read it with law mentality. Notice in
this passage that Jesus Himself defines what he meant by “His Commandment”. He says, “This
is my commandment, that ye love one another, as I have loved you.”(Vs. 12)And
you see, whatever Jesus has already defined, you cannot give it another
Is Jesus talking about brotherly-love? No! How do we know? We know so because He said, “…love one another, as I have loved you.”
The question is what kind of love did Jesus love us with? It is “Agapao” (Strong’s). Agape means, “God’s own kind of love”, not the love
of the world.
Finally, we’ll look at the word ABIDE. The Greek from which this word is translated is “MENO.” This word has a range of
meanings, which include; remain, stay, take
permanent residence, to dwell, depend upon.
“To abide in Christ’s
love”(vs. 10), means; to depend on his love, and not on
your own personal merit, effort, or performance.You depend on God’s love for
So, what is the meaning of John 15:10? What actually did Jesus
mean when He said,“If ye keep my
commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my father’s
commandments and abide in His love.”
Jesus is simply telling us (His disciples) that, “If we stay
focused (concentrate) on demonstrating love towards one another as He has loved
us, then we will be more grounded in His love, just as He is grounded in the
Fathers love, because He focused on what the Father called Him to do.” (emphasis are mine)
If you are born again, then love of God (Agape) already
dwells in you. You don’t need to pray for love. It’s already there in your born
again spirit. All you need is to realize is that it is right there within you and
then go ahead let flow out and touch somebody. Let this love flow through you, like
rivers of water gushing forth, through every fiber of your being. Pray
constantly in other tongues and keep declaring that God’s love is flowing
through you.You are blessed!!!
If this post has blessed you, lets know your comment.
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Christopher Okon