This post takes us further beyond religion into the terrains of reality. We began exploring this truth in Part 1 of Why Satan Has Become Powerless To Tempt You Spiritually (Part 1). Here we uncover further eternal truths about Satan's powerlessness in the spiritual realms, knowing he has lost it all, and lost all access to this realm where we are now in charge and sitting together with Christ Jesus as eternal Kings and Priests, forever justified. In this journey I feel so thrilled sharing about Satan's total downfall, only waiting for his final evacuation. Posts 1 & 2 seek to help Believers come to the realization of the exalted position we occupy in Christ, thereby attempting to end all the confusion and misinformation that religious teachings have heaped upon many. It's almost as if I could say "We are picking up the pieces and starting all over again."

Enjoy your read!


For many years I’ve always wondered why Satan was cast down and confined to the earth, rather than at some other place in the universe. I mean, of all the places in the entire universe why choose the earth as the temporary place to harbor such a horrendous eternal fugitive? This question like I said bothered me for many years. Then one day the light broke through as I was immersed in the scriptures. And you know talking about being immersed in the scriptures, back then, I could be in the word, studying and praying in other tongues for more than twelve hours every day, and sometimes I could stay up close to eighteen hours. This was the way I lived in my late teenage years and early youth years. You classify me as one of those who never had a youth life as many know youth life to be, going to clubs, partying here and there, and so forth. I’m not condemning those who had such opportunities or fancied exploring such vanities, and all of such stuff, in their youth days. Right from time such things never really appealed to me, or would I rather say, they didn’t appeal to me to the extent of moving me to get involved in such a lifestyle. Maybe it could have been because I got Born Again very early, at the age of thirteen, and was more focused on growing up spiritually than pursuing ephemeral things. By the age of nineteen, I was already praying in other tongues, having already been involved in teaching adult male Sunday school before I was eighteen. I believe these spiritual experiences helped to provide the right guidance. But then I remember the first time I ever set foot in a club was at the Lord's Night Club at Maryland Lagos; it was to attend my elder brother’s bachelor’s eve, the night before he wedded. However, on two or more occasions, I visited any other club at all; it was to preach the Gospel and win souls for Christ. This is as much as I can remember.

Of course, all those were in my very early youth years, I was much younger at the time, and even in my late twenties and beyond, I remained deeply what I will call a “Wordite.” Even now, after many years, married and with two kids, I am still what you may very well describe as a "Biblizen" (a citizen of the Scriptures or Bible). Looking back, I can say It really took a long while to arrive at where I am now. One day my first son asked me if I ever slept at all. I laughed and said yes! I sleep after they’ve gone to bed, and I’m awake before they’re up from bed. So, they have hardly seen me sleep. But I take the time to explain to them that everything has its rightful place. 

Despite all these, I still recognize there's yet a very long way to go in this walk of reality, as Paul rightly says; "And if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know (1 Corinthians 8: 2)

So, as I was saying, wondering why Satan and his minions were cast down to the earth. As I continued in my place of study, the light broke forth and it dawned on me why Satan was cut down to the earth and confined here and not somewhere else in the universe. I realized that the reason he was confined to the earth was that he was originally the anointed guardian Cherub of the earth. His original place of assignment was the earth. He was in Eden, the garden of GOD (Ezek. 28: 13, 14). He was known as the covering or guarding Cherub because he was the Cherub overshadowing the earth or world that then was (2 Pet. 3: 6), as well as the garden of Eden. From there he carried out his functions. What a mighty office he once held. One could say that as the guarding Cherub of the earth, he had a special office and privilege to be envied by the other creatures.

Back at the time before man was created, there were various orders of creatures that Scripture refers to as the "living ones" (poorly translated as beasts or wild animals in Gen. 3: 1). These were on the earth, and were known as the zõon, (these are distinguished from the angels, and also not the same as the zõa of Gen. 3: 24; Ezek. 1: 5 – 14; 10: 29; Rev. 4: 6 – 5: 14) and the shaggy (hairy ones, who in rebellion with Satan, became the demons or disembodied spirits). Before their fall Lucifer was their head and they all depended on him to bring to them the wisdom or divine illumination with which they worshipped Jehovah. This is why originally, Satan, before his rebellion, was known as Lucifer (meaning; light bringer or light bearer). He was a bearer and reflector of the light of Elohim on the planet Earth. To bring those creatures continuous illumination of GOD. Therefore, all the creatures on the earth at that time depended on him for illumination as the light bearer or shining one (Heb. nachashim or nachash). He was highly placed, regarded, and celebrated by the other creatures in the heavens and on earth. But when he eventually rebelled against divine authority, he was expelled from the mount of GOD and from among the "stones of fire," among whom he had his place of honor (Ezek. 28: 16).

From all of these, we can realize why there was no better place to humiliate and quarantine him, other than the very place where he once held sway, bragged blasphemously, and was well celebrated as the leader, as Ezekiel tells us (Ezek. 28: 14 – 19). And not just that, he and his evil principalities, powers, fallen angels, etc. have all been court-martialed, dismissed, and denigrated, and because of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, they have their ranks and privileges stripped from them completely (Col. 2: 15, AMP). By this, Satan and all other rebellious spirits, have become permanently banished from gaining further access into the spiritual or heavenly realms they were once used to. Their domain of operation is now restricted to this physical world. They can no longer operate beyond the physical, and mental realm, and can no longer wield real spiritual power.

So, you can see the "why" and "how" Satan became completely dislodged, humiliated, and confined to this present earth, for the time being, until the time of his final sentence, or abolishing, when he and all of his minions will be hurled into the lake of fire, away from the New Earth and the New Heavens.

All of these explain why you need to quit such kinds of prayers that call for Satan, his demons, principalities, powers, etc. to be pulled down from the heavens. Such prayers are totally irrelevant because neither Satan nor his rebellious spirits operate in the heavenly realms, not to talk of being domiciled there. Saying you are casting Satan, principalities, and powers down from the heavens is such a "religious goofy," a sure sign of a lack of knowledge or understanding of redemption realities. 


Based on all that’s been said, about his sacking, disempowerment, and degrading, both in office, power, and access. It has become clarified why and how all of Satan’s temptations cannot go beyond the physical and mental realms. His temptations are all limited to the flesh or sense realm where he sits as umpire. They are basically psychological or mental. He can’t tempt anyone beyond the physical or mental realms, i.e. the sense realm. 

The idea that Satan can tempt you spiritually, or the idea that temptations are spiritual, is all a hoax created by religion to exalt Satan and in an attempt to give him that false recognition that makes him appear to still have power or access into the spiritual or heavenly realms. But all such ideas are a religious facade.

These are all lies of Satan and his deceiving religious cabals'. This explains why the apostle Paul comments on this saying that no temptation is special or spiritual (1 Corinthians 10: 13). The word “common” in the passage suggests something within the natural or mental realms of mankind, which we can handle. All temptations that come at people are common. That is to say, there’s nothing special or strange about them. There is no such thing as spiritual temptation, as Peter says; 

1 Peter 4:12  Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: 

Before the death and resurrection of Jesus, Satan could still access the spiritual world. And his temptations could take up some spiritual form. But after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, Satan has become so weakened that he cannot tempt anyone beyond the common realm – the natural and mental realm. He has become eternally dislodged. Therefore temptations – tests, and trials are limited, they are never beyond our ability to handle in Christ. We can handle them because we operate in the spiritual or heavenly realm – in the higher realm of Christ, which Satan and his diabolical forces can’t attempt venturing into. 

Understand that because of the redemptive work of Jesus Christ, and because of Satan’s defeat, he can never again tempt anyone spiritually. This is one of the many great privileges that redemption brought us.

So, stop listening to the lies of religion, nor let your natural human mind or thinking keep lying to you and holding you in its captivity of falsehood.

Having come to this understanding, let the fear that Satan is tempting you or capable of tempting you spiritually, dissipate. You are forever spiritually free and secure in Christ.

Finally, realize that as a Believer in Christ, you are a NEW SELF. The old self is gone, and this New Man who is the "new spirit you" is already dead to the world but alive in Christ. This "new spirit you" is your New SELF which is also CHRIST is forever in control (Gal. 2: 20; Col. 3: 3, 4). There is no shaking! Now begin to take your stand on this realization.  

Therefore, when next the devil or religion knacks up to you, trying to bully you with his lies, never be intimidated. Make your position known. You are who your heavenly Father says you are. You have what He says you have, and enjoy all the privileges He's bestowed on you in Christ. There's no more room for fear in you.    

Satan is powerless! No temptation is spiritual! Share this truth as you go.

Return to Part 1

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