So many believe that God is the one who sends these problems, or permits them to come to us in order for Him to teach us certain lessons, and to perfect our faith in Him. Is this really what the Bible teaches, or are people simply just voicing their misconception.
If this were true, why then do these people pray to God to deliver them from trouble, or they wish so. If this were true, then praying to God to deliver you from trials and problems, or even wishing for the problems to come to an end, would of course mean that you are working against the will of God. Get this straight, Praying to God to deliver you from trials and problems, or even wishing for the problems to come to an end, is an indication that deep within you, you do not believe in that religious lie.
If God were the one bringing trials, and troubles our way, why would He at the same time be the one making a way of escape for us (2 Cor 10:13)? To do so would mean He is working against Himself. That would be counter-effective.
If God were the one bringing trials, and troubles our way, why would He at the same time be the one making a way of escape for us (2 Cor 10:13)? To do so would mean He is working against Himself. That would be counter-effective.
Here is what James says about trials,
"My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into diverse temptations; knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing." (James 1:2-4. KJV © 2008).
"My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into diverse temptations; knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing." (James 1:2-4. KJV © 2008).
Notice that James does not say, "the trying of your faith makes it stronger." This is the wrong meaning many Christians read into that passage. And that's the traditional teaching of every religious preacher, and Church groups I have ever heard. They say that when your faith is tried, it becomes stronger, or it makes you stronger. Well, that's not true.
Problems or trials don't build our faith, neither do they make us stronger. Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith, not problems (Heb 12:2).
It is the word of God that builds our faith.
The truth of the matter is that you may come out of a trial stronger. But if you do, it is because, during the period of the trial, you acted constantly on the word of God.
Therefore, it is the word of God which we act upon in the time of trouble, that determines whether we'll come out of the trial stronger. It's not the trial itself that makes you stronger, neither do you necessarily become stronger because you passed through some trial and survived.
As Charles Capps says, you may survive a trial having become stronger or having become weaker. It all depends on your response to the word of God. How serious you take the word of God in the time of trial determines the power you draw out of it. This is a principle you must never forget.
Since God isn't the author of trials, and troubles, of what purpose are tests and trials. Why do they come to us? What is the reason for their coming?
Not understanding this is the reason many Christians always think that God is the one who brings tests and trials into our lives or allows us to have tests and trials in order to perfect us. There are some who ask, isn't it God's will for us to be in trials and tests? Isn't it the tests and trials that make us grow strong and become more like Jesus? The answer is a yell no!!!
First of all, let's look at the Bible. It tells us how we grow in Christ.
1. By hearing the word of God consistently, Romans 10:17
2. By declaring the gospel to one another Ephesians 4: 15
3. By desiring the sincere milk of the word 1 Peter 2:2
4. Growing through revelation knowledge, 2 Peter 3:18.
Now notice, none of these scriptures or any other under the new testament teach us that God uses tests and trials in order to perfect us, or make us grow.
So why then, you may ask, do tests and trials come. What is their purpose in our lives? Well, Jesus tells us that troubles or persecution arises because of the sake word of God in us Matthew 13 verse 21.
He also points out that satan comes basically to snatch away the word, Matthew 13:19; Mark 4:15.
Jesus mentions 5 ways Satan snatches the word from people; they are;
I. Affliction
II. Persecution
III. Cares of this world
IV. Deceitfulness of riches
V. Lost of other things
Matthew 13:21 and 22; Mark 4: 17, 19.
But you see, the word affliction is from the Greek word "THLIPSIS", which means; Pressures of life. And These pressures of life refer to troubles, problems, trials, and tests.
In Mark 4:17, Jesus reveals why trials and tests arise. He says it is for the word's sake. It's not even for you basically. You see, Satan is not particularly after what you have. He is not after your money, your health, or your anything, so to speak. What he is basically after is the word of God in you. If he could just make you forget the word, or make you take your attention away from it, then that's all he is after, nothing more - he's got you where he wants you. The reason he is after the word of God in you is that he is afraid of what you might do to him and his kingdom when you realize the power of the word of God in you. Satan fears your influence in the world. He doesn't really care whether you are wearing pancakes on your face or whether or not you are tying a scarf over your head, or whether you are wearing trouser pants or skirts, or eating lollipops. Those are not his problem. The word of God in you and your discovery of the realities of the word of God is his greatest fears.
Now you can see from all of this, that the reason test and trials come is not to make us perfect, neither is it to make us stronger, make us grow, or make our faith stronger. The reason is simply this; to get our attention away from the word of God. To make us doubt God's goodness, and question his faithfulness, and his promises, and to make you doubt your inheritance, rights, and privileges.
"where do you think all these appalling wars and quarrels come from? Do you think they just happen? Think again. They come about because you want your own way, and fight for it deep inside yourselves." (Jan 4:1, MSG)
In the King James translation, the word "LUST", in James chapter 4, verses 1 and 3, simply refers to; one wanting something by all means and at all cost, at the expense of others. This word LUST is simply one of many ways of describing the effects of the unrenewed mind. This explains why Paul admonishes Christians to have their mind constantly renewed to the truth and realities of God's word. (Romans 12: 1, 2).
It is a known fact that after a person becomes born again, the next most important thing in his or her life is the renewing of the mind.
The unrenewed mind is the cause of lustful feelings, passions, and quarrels among fellow Christians. This ought not to be.
Again, tests and trials come to us a result of things we don't know about. We don't know everything as yet. If we did, there are so many things we would be avoiding. Therefore as a result of this ignorance, we sometimes get into trouble. Take, for instance, if we knew everything we needed to know about circumstances and situations, there are so many things we will be able to avoid before they occur. This explains why we usually hear people say things like, " I never knew this would happen or I never knew that would happen. If they did know, they would have been able to avoid or prevent those things from occurring. So you see, the adversary takes advantage of people's ignorance. The Bible explains it this way,
"Therefore are my people taking away captive before they know it". (Isaiah 5: 13, Emphasized bible)
Take note of the expression, "before they know it". This implies that if they knew ahead of time, they would probably avoid it or prevent it from happening.
Next, we see another reason why tests and trials come to Christians. Sometimes, tests and trials come as a result of things we deliberately allow. Deliberate action. You see, we are free moral creatures. This means that we have the power and the freedom to make our own choices or decisions. And God, because He is Just, never overrides our decisions. He allows people to have what they choose or decide for themselves.
Did you know the quality of your decisions is based on the quality of knowledge or understanding that you have concerning any particular area of life? But you know, even though we know things, yet there are times we just intentionally or unintentionally ignore what we know and just, for some reason, do things that eventually whip up trouble. This in some sense is still the unrenewed mind working in the person.
For instance, you know that over speeding is wrong, yet you go ahead and over speed, maybe because you're trying to catch up with time. And then the road marshals arrest you and book you for over speeding. That's just one out of many instances.
We know yet another major reason why tests and trials come to Christians. It is as a result of the perversion of this world and its system.
Did you know that this world was perverted (corrupted) when Adam fell? (Genesis 3:17-19; Romans 5:12). The Bible reveals that Satan automatically became the god of this world when Adam fell (2 Corinthians 4:4). In Romans 5:12, we are told that on account of one man (the man Adam) sin entered into the world. Immediately that happened Satan took advantage of Adam's fall and perverted (destabilized) the whole world. The word "Sin", as you must agree, also means corruption or perversion. Jesus revealed that Satan is the enemy of man and author of corruption. He is the perverter of everything (Matthew 13:25, 28, 39).
When God made the earth, everything was fine, and in order (Isaiah 45:18). But in Genesis 1: 2, we are told that the earth became destabilized, courtesy of Satan's rebellion. The Prophet Jeremiah also spoke prophetically acknowledging this incident (Jeremiah 4:23-26). Notwithstanding, God restored the earth to calm and order. Then he proceeded and made man on the earth to rule over it. But man sold out and made Satan his god. This again brought in corruption into the world.
Although Satan has been conquered by Jesus Christ, and his reign over the entire humankind brought to an end. Yet we see people still pass through tests and trials and sometimes, even tragedy or calamity. Why is this so, many ask?
The reason is because of the lease of the dominion of the first Adam, over the earth, which hasn't yet expired. God gave the first Adam a lease of occupancy on the earth. That lease has to expire before God can fully reclaim the earth. You may say how is this? Well, Let me show you just one of several Bible passages that reveal this truth.
It is true that God created the earth and man for a literal period of six 24 hour days. Within this six-day period is a subtle revelation of man's lease of dominion on the earth. This is made clear when we apply the principle of double reference. If one day represents 1000 years, as with the LORD (2 Peter 3:8). It then implies that the SIX DAYS in which God created the earth and man, represent 6000 years (or Six Millennia) of human history on planet earth. While the SEVENTH DAY in which God rested from His work represents the Seventh Millennium and speaks of the MILLENNIAL reign of Christ; the time God will reclaim the earth, and give it over to Christ, the second Adam, who is the true and rightful owner, during which time Satan will be bound for a thousand years (Revelation 20).
It is evident then from this understanding that God gave the first Adam a lease on planet earth for 6000 years (of which time is almost expired). When the first Adam sinned, Satan legally took over Adam's lease on the earth, and therefore Satan as for now still has a legal right to be here, because the first Adam's lease on earth has not yet expired. Although Jesus Christ Has conquered Satan and purchased back the authority that the first Adam gave away, nevertheless, that lease of the first Adam must expire before Satan and his subterranean evil spirits can finally be driven out of the earth. That means, for now, God can't just move in on the devil and eradicate him from the earth, with all the perverse things he brought into the world since the fall of the first Adam. If God did that, He would be unjust for violating His time schedule with the first Adam. That time schedule must expire first.
Since God is just, He does not cheat to have His way. He allows things He allows the things He has appointed to run their full course. Therefore, He must allow the first Adam's lease on the earth to expire. This explains why for now, in the world today, we still witness tragedy, evil, sickness, death, natural disasters, wars, famine, diseases, and the likes, just to mention a few, until now. Nevertheless, the believer in Christ has power over Satan, his subterranean spirits, and all the works of darkness. In Christ have been given the power of Omnipotence. We can do all things through Christ in us. We can thwart the works of darkness, and stop Satan in his activities. But the Church has never fully realized the extent of our authority, due to religious teachings. The majority of Christians are still being dumbed down constantly by religious or traditional beliefs and teaching. Most Church groups I know of still don't understand what the New Creation is, or who we are.
Like Hagin said, Once in a while we get a glimpse of our authority in Christ and by the Spirit step into a greater revelation of who we are in Christ, but not one Christian has ever yet walked consistently in the full realm of our authority. However, in these last days, we are going to witness a new company of believers who will shake the world to its very foundations.
Another reason why tests and trials come to us is as a result of Who We Are in Christ. Satan hates us because of who we are in Christ, the world also hates us because of who we are. Satan hates us because we have been declared and made righteous in Christ through the new birth (2 Corinthians 5:21). The world hates us because they are under the deception of Satan to carry out his bidding. As a result of this, they persecute us constantly. This is what the Bible means by the expression "suffering as a Christian". It means suffering persecution (which includes tests and trials) in the hands of unbelievers. (1 Peter 3: 14, 15; 4:12-16).
The Apostle James says we are to count it all joy when we fall into diverse temptations. (James1:1-4)
Why are we to count it all joy. This is because as children of God we can never get defeated. Victory is always sure for us. No problem or trouble can defeat, overwhelm, or overrun us. Satan and the subterranean world of evil spirits are no match for us. Understand this, nothing can kill or destroy a child of God, unless the child of God creates an avenue for his own downfall, no devil or man can pull him down or destroy his or her life. Paul declares, "Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus that loved us." (Romans 8:37). Knowing this on its own is a thing of joy even in the most trying circumstances and trying times.
We are also to count it all joy because we are assured of the Lords ever abiding presence in us and with us. It's a thing of joy to know that the Holy Spirit never abandons us. He assures us that he will never ever leave us nor forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5).
I also believe that James is telling us to count it all joy because he is trying to get us to set our minds on a positive frame as God would have us do in the face of trials and circumstances. What you set your mind upon determines how you feel. It determines your direction. Trials and tests are not joyful, they do not bring joy. But James says you should count that period of time a time of joy. In other words, be joyful, why? This is because he is teaching us how to live the faith life. How to be in control of circumstances, rather than having circumstances control us. We, calling things that be not as though they were, (Romans 4:17).
The next important thing we have to look at in James 1:1-4, is the statement "WHEN you fall into diverse temptations" (vs 2). Notice the word WHEN. Notice he does not say "IF". Buy this, James is trying to let us know that test and trials are not optional. This is a very important point to note because there are Christians who think that tests and trials only come to some disadvantaged few. That's not true. Test and trials come to everyone and more so to Christians, whether you are a Bishop, Prophet, Pastor, Teacher of the word, Evangelist, a billionaire, or a finding it hard to get by Christian, it don't matter anything. Tests and trials come to all. It's just a matter of "WHEN" as James said. But you see, when you staying focused on Jesus Christ and his word, is the key to enjoying your victory in Him. That's God's guarantee. Praise God!
But notice again, James says when you "FALL into diverse temptations" (vs 2). The word FALL is another word that is very important. Some Christians go about looking for trouble here and there, intentionally, setting themselves up for problems. That's not a wise. Several times people are the cause of their problems. That's not the kind of thing James is encouraging. Here James is talking about you getting into trouble that you never intentionally brought upon yourself. Why is James saying this to us? The reason is that he is trying to get us to understand that; no matter how careful we have tried to be, no matter how well we have conducted ourselves, in the affairs of our lives, test and trials will still show up. James is not saying we are to intentionally look for trouble for ourselves. What he is saying is that trouble will come even when we are not directly responsible for creating them. So you see it's not about how careful you make yourself to be that will keep away tests and trials in your life. And of course, it's good to be careful, because being careful can help you keep away some of the problems of this natural world. But it can't help you keep away "all-ll-ll-ll" the problems, no matter how Spirit-led you are. Some people preach and make it look as though it's your own personal carefulness that keeps you safe from problems or keeps problems away from you. That's not true. That is sense knowledge speaking in a subtle way. It's not about how careful you are. Christianity is not about your own carefulness. It's about faith in Christ and His finished work. Get that right.
So never think it is strange that you are passing through tests and trials (See 1 Peter 4: 12-16). Stop thinking that tests and trials come to you because you're not careful enough. Stop depending on your self-effort. Never fear, for you are not alone. You are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus (Romans 8:37).
James tells us that the trying of our faith "WORKETH" PATIENCE (James 1:3).
What does this mean? The word "WORKETH", has been poorly translated in virtually all English translations - see also "WORKETH" in Romans 5: 3.
I am yet to find any English translation that renders it more better. This word is translated from the Greek word "KATERGAZOMAI", and should have more accurately been translated as "REQUIRES", or "DEMANDS". please I stand to be corrected here. I do not speak as an authority in the Greek language. Nevertheless, I have enough common sense to know the difference between the names Disney World and McDonald's, because I can read and write.
In other words, James is saying that "the trying of our faith requires or demands patience". A wrong way to interpret that statement as many have done is to say that "the trying of your faith PRODUCES patience." The New International Version (2011, edition), uses the word "PRODUCES". That is a poor rendering. If we were to go by that, then we would be thinking that it is when our faith is tried that patience is produced, right?
First of all, let's look at the Bible. It tells us how we grow in Christ.
1. By hearing the word of God consistently, Romans 10:17
2. By declaring the gospel to one another Ephesians 4: 15
3. By desiring the sincere milk of the word 1 Peter 2:2
4. Growing through revelation knowledge, 2 Peter 3:18.
Now notice, none of these scriptures or any other under the new testament teach us that God uses tests and trials in order to perfect us, or make us grow.
So why then, you may ask, do tests and trials come. What is their purpose in our lives? Well, Jesus tells us that troubles or persecution arises because of the sake word of God in us Matthew 13 verse 21.
He also points out that satan comes basically to snatch away the word, Matthew 13:19; Mark 4:15.
Jesus mentions 5 ways Satan snatches the word from people; they are;
I. Affliction
II. Persecution
III. Cares of this world
IV. Deceitfulness of riches
V. Lost of other things
Matthew 13:21 and 22; Mark 4: 17, 19.
But you see, the word affliction is from the Greek word "THLIPSIS", which means; Pressures of life. And These pressures of life refer to troubles, problems, trials, and tests.
In Mark 4:17, Jesus reveals why trials and tests arise. He says it is for the word's sake. It's not even for you basically. You see, Satan is not particularly after what you have. He is not after your money, your health, or your anything, so to speak. What he is basically after is the word of God in you. If he could just make you forget the word, or make you take your attention away from it, then that's all he is after, nothing more - he's got you where he wants you. The reason he is after the word of God in you is that he is afraid of what you might do to him and his kingdom when you realize the power of the word of God in you. Satan fears your influence in the world. He doesn't really care whether you are wearing pancakes on your face or whether or not you are tying a scarf over your head, or whether you are wearing trouser pants or skirts, or eating lollipops. Those are not his problem. The word of God in you and your discovery of the realities of the word of God is his greatest fears.
Now you can see from all of this, that the reason test and trials come is not to make us perfect, neither is it to make us stronger, make us grow, or make our faith stronger. The reason is simply this; to get our attention away from the word of God. To make us doubt God's goodness, and question his faithfulness, and his promises, and to make you doubt your inheritance, rights, and privileges.
Another reason tests and trials come to Christians, is as a result of the unrenewed mind. See how James put it; "where do you think all these appalling wars and quarrels come from? Do you think they just happen? Think again. They come about because you want your own way, and fight for it deep inside yourselves." (Jan 4:1, MSG)
In the King James translation, the word "LUST", in James chapter 4, verses 1 and 3, simply refers to; one wanting something by all means and at all cost, at the expense of others. This word LUST is simply one of many ways of describing the effects of the unrenewed mind. This explains why Paul admonishes Christians to have their mind constantly renewed to the truth and realities of God's word. (Romans 12: 1, 2).
It is a known fact that after a person becomes born again, the next most important thing in his or her life is the renewing of the mind.
The unrenewed mind is the cause of lustful feelings, passions, and quarrels among fellow Christians. This ought not to be.
Again, tests and trials come to us a result of things we don't know about. We don't know everything as yet. If we did, there are so many things we would be avoiding. Therefore as a result of this ignorance, we sometimes get into trouble. Take, for instance, if we knew everything we needed to know about circumstances and situations, there are so many things we will be able to avoid before they occur. This explains why we usually hear people say things like, " I never knew this would happen or I never knew that would happen. If they did know, they would have been able to avoid or prevent those things from occurring. So you see, the adversary takes advantage of people's ignorance. The Bible explains it this way,
"Therefore are my people taking away captive before they know it". (Isaiah 5: 13, Emphasized bible)
Take note of the expression, "before they know it". This implies that if they knew ahead of time, they would probably avoid it or prevent it from happening.
Next, we see another reason why tests and trials come to Christians. Sometimes, tests and trials come as a result of things we deliberately allow. Deliberate action. You see, we are free moral creatures. This means that we have the power and the freedom to make our own choices or decisions. And God, because He is Just, never overrides our decisions. He allows people to have what they choose or decide for themselves.
Did you know the quality of your decisions is based on the quality of knowledge or understanding that you have concerning any particular area of life? But you know, even though we know things, yet there are times we just intentionally or unintentionally ignore what we know and just, for some reason, do things that eventually whip up trouble. This in some sense is still the unrenewed mind working in the person.
For instance, you know that over speeding is wrong, yet you go ahead and over speed, maybe because you're trying to catch up with time. And then the road marshals arrest you and book you for over speeding. That's just one out of many instances.
We know yet another major reason why tests and trials come to Christians. It is as a result of the perversion of this world and its system.
Did you know that this world was perverted (corrupted) when Adam fell? (Genesis 3:17-19; Romans 5:12). The Bible reveals that Satan automatically became the god of this world when Adam fell (2 Corinthians 4:4). In Romans 5:12, we are told that on account of one man (the man Adam) sin entered into the world. Immediately that happened Satan took advantage of Adam's fall and perverted (destabilized) the whole world. The word "Sin", as you must agree, also means corruption or perversion. Jesus revealed that Satan is the enemy of man and author of corruption. He is the perverter of everything (Matthew 13:25, 28, 39).
When God made the earth, everything was fine, and in order (Isaiah 45:18). But in Genesis 1: 2, we are told that the earth became destabilized, courtesy of Satan's rebellion. The Prophet Jeremiah also spoke prophetically acknowledging this incident (Jeremiah 4:23-26). Notwithstanding, God restored the earth to calm and order. Then he proceeded and made man on the earth to rule over it. But man sold out and made Satan his god. This again brought in corruption into the world.
Although Satan has been conquered by Jesus Christ, and his reign over the entire humankind brought to an end. Yet we see people still pass through tests and trials and sometimes, even tragedy or calamity. Why is this so, many ask?
The reason is because of the lease of the dominion of the first Adam, over the earth, which hasn't yet expired. God gave the first Adam a lease of occupancy on the earth. That lease has to expire before God can fully reclaim the earth. You may say how is this? Well, Let me show you just one of several Bible passages that reveal this truth.
Adams Earth Lease
Reading the Scriptures through the mind ruled by the senses, many have overlooked the tremendous revelation in Genesis. The Genesis account informs us that God operated for Six days in which he created the earth and also made man in His own image and likeness. Then He rested on the Seventh-day (Genesis 1:26-28). It is true that God created the earth and man for a literal period of six 24 hour days. Within this six-day period is a subtle revelation of man's lease of dominion on the earth. This is made clear when we apply the principle of double reference. If one day represents 1000 years, as with the LORD (2 Peter 3:8). It then implies that the SIX DAYS in which God created the earth and man, represent 6000 years (or Six Millennia) of human history on planet earth. While the SEVENTH DAY in which God rested from His work represents the Seventh Millennium and speaks of the MILLENNIAL reign of Christ; the time God will reclaim the earth, and give it over to Christ, the second Adam, who is the true and rightful owner, during which time Satan will be bound for a thousand years (Revelation 20).
It is evident then from this understanding that God gave the first Adam a lease on planet earth for 6000 years (of which time is almost expired). When the first Adam sinned, Satan legally took over Adam's lease on the earth, and therefore Satan as for now still has a legal right to be here, because the first Adam's lease on earth has not yet expired. Although Jesus Christ Has conquered Satan and purchased back the authority that the first Adam gave away, nevertheless, that lease of the first Adam must expire before Satan and his subterranean evil spirits can finally be driven out of the earth. That means, for now, God can't just move in on the devil and eradicate him from the earth, with all the perverse things he brought into the world since the fall of the first Adam. If God did that, He would be unjust for violating His time schedule with the first Adam. That time schedule must expire first.
Since God is just, He does not cheat to have His way. He allows things He allows the things He has appointed to run their full course. Therefore, He must allow the first Adam's lease on the earth to expire. This explains why for now, in the world today, we still witness tragedy, evil, sickness, death, natural disasters, wars, famine, diseases, and the likes, just to mention a few, until now. Nevertheless, the believer in Christ has power over Satan, his subterranean spirits, and all the works of darkness. In Christ have been given the power of Omnipotence. We can do all things through Christ in us. We can thwart the works of darkness, and stop Satan in his activities. But the Church has never fully realized the extent of our authority, due to religious teachings. The majority of Christians are still being dumbed down constantly by religious or traditional beliefs and teaching. Most Church groups I know of still don't understand what the New Creation is, or who we are.
Like Hagin said, Once in a while we get a glimpse of our authority in Christ and by the Spirit step into a greater revelation of who we are in Christ, but not one Christian has ever yet walked consistently in the full realm of our authority. However, in these last days, we are going to witness a new company of believers who will shake the world to its very foundations.
Another reason why tests and trials come to us is as a result of Who We Are in Christ. Satan hates us because of who we are in Christ, the world also hates us because of who we are. Satan hates us because we have been declared and made righteous in Christ through the new birth (2 Corinthians 5:21). The world hates us because they are under the deception of Satan to carry out his bidding. As a result of this, they persecute us constantly. This is what the Bible means by the expression "suffering as a Christian". It means suffering persecution (which includes tests and trials) in the hands of unbelievers. (1 Peter 3: 14, 15; 4:12-16).
The Apostle James says we are to count it all joy when we fall into diverse temptations. (James1:1-4)
Why are we to count it all joy. This is because as children of God we can never get defeated. Victory is always sure for us. No problem or trouble can defeat, overwhelm, or overrun us. Satan and the subterranean world of evil spirits are no match for us. Understand this, nothing can kill or destroy a child of God, unless the child of God creates an avenue for his own downfall, no devil or man can pull him down or destroy his or her life. Paul declares, "Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus that loved us." (Romans 8:37). Knowing this on its own is a thing of joy even in the most trying circumstances and trying times.
We are also to count it all joy because we are assured of the Lords ever abiding presence in us and with us. It's a thing of joy to know that the Holy Spirit never abandons us. He assures us that he will never ever leave us nor forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5).
I also believe that James is telling us to count it all joy because he is trying to get us to set our minds on a positive frame as God would have us do in the face of trials and circumstances. What you set your mind upon determines how you feel. It determines your direction. Trials and tests are not joyful, they do not bring joy. But James says you should count that period of time a time of joy. In other words, be joyful, why? This is because he is teaching us how to live the faith life. How to be in control of circumstances, rather than having circumstances control us. We, calling things that be not as though they were, (Romans 4:17).
The next important thing we have to look at in James 1:1-4, is the statement "WHEN you fall into diverse temptations" (vs 2). Notice the word WHEN. Notice he does not say "IF". Buy this, James is trying to let us know that test and trials are not optional. This is a very important point to note because there are Christians who think that tests and trials only come to some disadvantaged few. That's not true. Test and trials come to everyone and more so to Christians, whether you are a Bishop, Prophet, Pastor, Teacher of the word, Evangelist, a billionaire, or a finding it hard to get by Christian, it don't matter anything. Tests and trials come to all. It's just a matter of "WHEN" as James said. But you see, when you staying focused on Jesus Christ and his word, is the key to enjoying your victory in Him. That's God's guarantee. Praise God!
But notice again, James says when you "FALL into diverse temptations" (vs 2). The word FALL is another word that is very important. Some Christians go about looking for trouble here and there, intentionally, setting themselves up for problems. That's not a wise. Several times people are the cause of their problems. That's not the kind of thing James is encouraging. Here James is talking about you getting into trouble that you never intentionally brought upon yourself. Why is James saying this to us? The reason is that he is trying to get us to understand that; no matter how careful we have tried to be, no matter how well we have conducted ourselves, in the affairs of our lives, test and trials will still show up. James is not saying we are to intentionally look for trouble for ourselves. What he is saying is that trouble will come even when we are not directly responsible for creating them. So you see it's not about how careful you make yourself to be that will keep away tests and trials in your life. And of course, it's good to be careful, because being careful can help you keep away some of the problems of this natural world. But it can't help you keep away "all-ll-ll-ll" the problems, no matter how Spirit-led you are. Some people preach and make it look as though it's your own personal carefulness that keeps you safe from problems or keeps problems away from you. That's not true. That is sense knowledge speaking in a subtle way. It's not about how careful you are. Christianity is not about your own carefulness. It's about faith in Christ and His finished work. Get that right.
So never think it is strange that you are passing through tests and trials (See 1 Peter 4: 12-16). Stop thinking that tests and trials come to you because you're not careful enough. Stop depending on your self-effort. Never fear, for you are not alone. You are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus (Romans 8:37).
What does this mean? The word "WORKETH", has been poorly translated in virtually all English translations - see also "WORKETH" in Romans 5: 3.
I am yet to find any English translation that renders it more better. This word is translated from the Greek word "KATERGAZOMAI", and should have more accurately been translated as "REQUIRES", or "DEMANDS". please I stand to be corrected here. I do not speak as an authority in the Greek language. Nevertheless, I have enough common sense to know the difference between the names Disney World and McDonald's, because I can read and write.
In other words, James is saying that "the trying of our faith requires or demands patience". A wrong way to interpret that statement as many have done is to say that "the trying of your faith PRODUCES patience." The New International Version (2011, edition), uses the word "PRODUCES". That is a poor rendering. If we were to go by that, then we would be thinking that it is when our faith is tried that patience is produced, right?
In other words, tests and trials produce faith in us. If that's true then kudos to tests and trials because without them we would never have patience. So if they produce patience which is something good, why then do we pray to God to remove something (tests and trials) that produces something good in us.
Guess what, that's one of the craziest lies ever told to the Church. The truth is this. Tests and trials don't produce patience. Patience is already a part of the fruit of the recreated human spirit (Galatians 5: 22, Amplified Bible, ESV, Weymouth). So how could anyone tell us that tests and trials produce patience in us when the Scriptures have already revealed that patience is already a part of the fruit of our born again Spirit - Come on, my name is Jack Sparrow, and I'm from Atlantis.
So what is PATIENCE? As we understand, it is a spiritual force, and is required, or needed in the face of trials and tests. To be patient means; to be CONSTANT. In the New Testament, it carries the idea of a man who is UNSWERVED from his deliberate purpose and his loyalty to faith and piety by even the greatest trials and sufferings (Thayer). So you can understand that the word means to be UNSWERVED, CONSTANT, CONSISTENT.
In the face of trials and tests, we are to be patient (Unswerved, Constant, Consistent), not vacillating, in our belief and confession of God's guaranteed promises. For instance, if you started out believing and declaring that, "God Has met all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4: 19), and based on this, you have set your goal that GOD HAS MET YOUR NEEDS, and that is it. But after some days later, things look worse, and the whole thing looks like the answer would never show up, and to make the matter more challenging, some other problem shows up and adds to the previous one. Then you begin to wobble in your faith. You know what? This is where patience is required. This is the time for you to be unswerving in your confidence, prayers, and declaration of what God's word has promised.
In the heat of the "Banta and Ganta" of trials, you are to stay unwavering. This is because the man who wavers is unable to receive from the LORD (James 1: 6, 7).
Patience is a doggedness, Constance, or Consistency of your faith over time until your answer shows up. It is what is required from the time you believed you received, until the time the answer appears, Mark 11:24. Patience means that you remain constant and consistent in what you believe until the answer comes.
Hebrews 6:12, declares that it is through faith and patience (being constant in our believing and confession of faith, without changing) that we receive the promise.
"For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise." (Hebrew 10: 36, KJV).
Paul is saying in the above scripture, that; If we are ever going to full accomplish God's will in our lives, and receive His promise, then patience (Constancy: being constantly focused on Jesus and His accomplishments for us) is required.
Finally, we are admonished to run with patience (Constance, Consistency) the race that is set before us. (Hebrews 12: 1).
Thanks for reading this article. Best Wishes!
Guess what, that's one of the craziest lies ever told to the Church. The truth is this. Tests and trials don't produce patience. Patience is already a part of the fruit of the recreated human spirit (Galatians 5: 22, Amplified Bible, ESV, Weymouth). So how could anyone tell us that tests and trials produce patience in us when the Scriptures have already revealed that patience is already a part of the fruit of our born again Spirit - Come on, my name is Jack Sparrow, and I'm from Atlantis.
So what is PATIENCE? As we understand, it is a spiritual force, and is required, or needed in the face of trials and tests. To be patient means; to be CONSTANT. In the New Testament, it carries the idea of a man who is UNSWERVED from his deliberate purpose and his loyalty to faith and piety by even the greatest trials and sufferings (Thayer). So you can understand that the word means to be UNSWERVED, CONSTANT, CONSISTENT.
In the face of trials and tests, we are to be patient (Unswerved, Constant, Consistent), not vacillating, in our belief and confession of God's guaranteed promises. For instance, if you started out believing and declaring that, "God Has met all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4: 19), and based on this, you have set your goal that GOD HAS MET YOUR NEEDS, and that is it. But after some days later, things look worse, and the whole thing looks like the answer would never show up, and to make the matter more challenging, some other problem shows up and adds to the previous one. Then you begin to wobble in your faith. You know what? This is where patience is required. This is the time for you to be unswerving in your confidence, prayers, and declaration of what God's word has promised.
In the heat of the "Banta and Ganta" of trials, you are to stay unwavering. This is because the man who wavers is unable to receive from the LORD (James 1: 6, 7).
Patience is a doggedness, Constance, or Consistency of your faith over time until your answer shows up. It is what is required from the time you believed you received, until the time the answer appears, Mark 11:24. Patience means that you remain constant and consistent in what you believe until the answer comes.
Hebrews 6:12, declares that it is through faith and patience (being constant in our believing and confession of faith, without changing) that we receive the promise.
"For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise." (Hebrew 10: 36, KJV).
Paul is saying in the above scripture, that; If we are ever going to full accomplish God's will in our lives, and receive His promise, then patience (Constancy: being constantly focused on Jesus and His accomplishments for us) is required.
Finally, we are admonished to run with patience (Constance, Consistency) the race that is set before us. (Hebrews 12: 1).
Thanks for reading this article. Best Wishes!
Prize Chukwuka
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