Is “CASTING OUT DEMONS” the same thing as DELIVERANCE? When the Bible speaks of one, does it mean the other? Or is there a difference between them, and if so, why do many Believers lump them together. And in lumping them together, couldn’t there be a vital truth that we are missing out on? These are the things we are here to unravel in this post, just as Paul advises us to always study, learn or examine the Word to test things, and having found them to differ, must never lump them together, but properly divide them (c.f. Philippians 1: 10; 2 Timothy 2: 15).

By not paying heed to this admonition of the apostle, many in the Church have lumped a lot of things together which the Bible clearly distinguishes for our learning (2 Timothy 3: 16). One thing lumped together is that “CASTING OUT DEMONS” is the same thing as “DELIVERANCE.” However, in light of our scriptural evidence, we find this not to be so.   

We are not here to prove theological prowess, but to share Grace truth that enlivens the soul and draws it out of the sogginess that ignorance of the truth of GOD’S word causes.

Many are always confusing the expression “CASTING OUT DEMONS” to mean DELIVERANCE. This shouldn’t be, because in doing so, we blindfold ourselves to the truth that the privilege of “CASTING OUT DEMONS” reveals.

While many to whom the truth of Scripture means little or nothing, because they are encumbered with religion, or with mundane affairs, and as such too casual with the Word, never take it seriously beyond lip service or sense knowledge level, and will be quick to wave off this subject, taking an untidy stance in naivety to insist that both terms mean the same thing, and therefore keep their soul hanging in ambivalence of religion.

Conversely, the joy of this post is that lovers of New Covenant reality will revel in the truths unveiled here, that tradition has hidden away from many for so long.

let’s look at the passages of Scripture brought forth here in the light of this awesome truth that only the New Testament unveils.

We will begin our study by looking at what DELIVERANCE is not.

Many think that “casting out demons” is deliverance. But it’s not.


To “cast out demons” as we understand from scripture, is to drive out demons from having continued occupation of their host’s or victim’s body. This is what the term means in its simplest explanation. This is not necessarily deliverance.

The reason “casting out demons” isn’t deliverance is because; deliverance has to do with the work of redemption that Jesus wrought for mankind in His death and resurrection. From what Jesus explains in John 12: 31 – 33, we understand that Jesus is talking about the defeat and dethronement of Satan as the ruler of humanity. And then in Matthew 12: 29; Mark 3: 27; Luke 11: 21, 22, it is also clear that Jesus uses the metaphor of a “strong man” to represent Satan and his kingdom. Jesus is pointing out that to free humanity from the power of Satan’s evil and dominion, He must first “bind the strong man,” He must first conquer Satan and his kingdom of darkness, and dethrone him as the supreme ruler of humanity, thereby emancipating humanity from his rule.

From these passages, we come to recognize clearly what deliverance means. It speaks of the defeat of Satan, viz-a-viz the emancipation of humanity from Satan’s rule, by his dethronement as the supreme ruler of humanity.

This is actually what the deliverance of humanity entails, and was actualized by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This Paul attests to in Colossians 1: 13a; 2: 15; Hebrews 2: 14, 15.

Furthermore, before the time Jesus was born, no human being could cast out demons in the ancient world, nor had the Jews even seen anything like that at any time in their history. Jesus Christ became the first man recorded by Scripture in human history, to have the divine ability to cast out demons. To attest to this, Scripture also records this as being the reason the Jews were always amazed (Mark 1: 21 – 28; Luke 4: 36) at the fact that Jesus Christ, a man, could easily cast out demons just with “a word.” (Matthew 8: 16; Mark 1: 32 – 34; Luke 4: 40, 41).

We are also informed that prior to redemption, Jesus gave His pre-redemption disciples a taste of this power when He sent them out in pairs to go preach the Kingdom of GOD and cast out demons from those who were demon possessed. (Matthew 10: 1; Mark 3: 13 – 15; Luke 9: 1, 2).

So we observe that the disciples of Jesus were already casting out demons before Jesus REDEEMED or DELIVERED humanity. He wanted them to have a taste of the power that would permanently become theirs in the New Birth, which as at then was about to become a reality, after His glorification and the coming of the Holy Spirit.

This simply implies that casting out demons is not actually DELIVERANCE, because it was already taking place before the time Jesus delivered humanity through His redemptive work at Calvary. Jesus and His disciples were already casting out demons before redemption took place by Him, which was the eventual deliverance of mankind. This explains why Jesus referred to what was to happen at Calvary – Satan’s defeat and dethronement, as the TURNING POINT of the world.

John 12:31  From this moment on, everything in this world is about to change, for the ruler of this dark world will be overthrown.


John 12:32  And I will do this when I am lifted up off the ground and when I draw the hearts of people to gather them to me.” 


John 12:33  He said this to indicate that he would die by being lifted up on the cross. 

Let me make this remark here. It was because humanity was not delivered yet, that Jesus hinted about the possibility of a demon that has been cast out of a demonized person returning with seven other spirits more wicked than itself, to their host’s body from where they were cast out. (Matt 12:43-45). This was possible before the cross because Satan was yet to be conquered.

This cannot happen today because Satan has been finally conquered, and humanity is delivered from his rulership. Today, once a demon is cast out from an unbeliever who is demon-possessed, that demon cannot return to live in the person, because the demon cannot alter or counter the injunction given to it, in the name of Jesus Christ, to vacate the person’s body.

This and many more are some benefits that people have today because of Satan’s defeat by Jesus Christ. 

All of that said.

Therefore, if casting out demons was deliverance, then it implies that those who are not demon-possessed would not be needing any deliverance afterall. And if casting out demons is the actual deliverance, the Bible is talking about, then there was no need for Jesus dying at all to conquer Satan for all of humanity. It would be okay to just keep “casting out demons” like it’s a regular Tuesday activity, Jesus can come when we’re fed up with Satan continuing to have a field day as ruler.

From this, we can realize that “CASTING OUT DEMONS” is not the DELIVERANCE the Bible is speaking of.


Have you ever wondered what CASTING OUT DEMONS signify? What exactly is it pointing us to? Many Believers have been involved in this activity for several years and have never realized its significance.

It is true that nowadays, under this New Covenant age, we have lesser cases of demonic presence or activities in people, than during the time Jesus and His disciples operated on earth. This is obvious.

I’m not saying certain people don’t have demons living in them today. Of course, there are, and quite a number of them for that matter. What I’m driving at is that the presence and operations of demons in people’s lives nowadays are no more as severe as they used to be before the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

If you observe from the Scripture, before Jesus went on the cross, and His resurrection from the dead, demonic presence and activities were rampant in the lives of people and also in the land or nation of Israel and the surrounding nations or regions around. Satan and his demons were having their field day. More people than not were possessed by demons then than today.

At that time, there were overwhelming demonic manifestations, resulting in diverse kinds of mysterious sicknesses, and diseases too complex to be medically explained in today’s modern world, and I must say here that many of those sicknesses and diseases that were caused by demonic activities or presence in the bodies of the victims, have even gone extinct today, just as we know that many animals in the past have also gone extinct as well, as we all would agree. The following passages suggest what I am saying. (Matthew 4: 23 – 25; 8: 16; Acts 10: 38).

However, after Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, His ascension far above the heavens and session at the right hand of the Father, and the Church was born, by the Holy Spirit, demons are no longer a threat. It’s difficult for them now to possess anyone at will. Not that they can’t if an unbeliever yields to them, but it’s totally difficult for them now, because of the light of the Gospel message of Christ being preached today. The Gospel has driven them aground and remands them in the crevices of the darkness of the underworld, where they’re lurking in shame.

Demons can no longer roam the earth freely as they used to do before Jesus went to Calvary. They are no longer possessing people as easily as they used to, and so their activities have greatly become minimized. This reality accounts for why not much is mentioned about demons and demonic possession, and not much is said in the epistles about Believers casting them out, as a major activity, except on a few occasions mentioned in the acts of the apostles (Acts 5: 16; 8: 6, 7; 19: 11, 12; 16: 16 – 18).

The reason for this is that Satan and his demon spirits have been conquered and dethroned, and humanity forever delivered from Satan, and sin (John 12: 31 – 33). So their activities have become greatly minimized. The little attention that Satan gets now is from those who by their own volition are totally rebellious to the truth that the Gospel speaks of about Jesus' victory over him.

The few demons operating today are mostly more of demons of false teaching, religion, deceiving or seducing spirits that lead people away from the truth (1 Timothy 4: 1; Revelations 16: 13, 14), and they find their easy route in the lives of those who refuse to acknowledge the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

By delivering humankind from sin and Satan, Jesus made the New Birth a possibility. Jesus made Satan and his demons so powerless to the extent that, through the New Birth, i.e. in the act of recreating a person’s spirit, the Holy Spirit ensures that whatever demon or evil spirit the individual may knowingly or unknowingly have residing in them, at that moment they are confessing Christ, that demon or evil spirit is immediately evicted at once without a fuss, and the Holy Spirit is installed in the individual at that moment of the New Birth.

Contrary to traditional teaching, the New Birth is not the DELIVERANCE itself, but the primary benefit of it. To understand this, you must recognize that the DELIVERANCE (i.e. REDEMPTION) of humanity out of Satan’s rule had to take place first. Without this taking place first, the New Birth would not have become possible. This implies that the New Birth is a derivative of the deliverance of humanity by Jesus Christ. It is the privilege or benefit that accrues to humanity because of the redemptive or finished work of Jesus Christ. There are other benefits, but space will not permit me to mention them here.   

Now let’s delve further into the significance of “CASTING OUT DEMONS” as I mentioned earlier.

There are two ways to look at this depending on which side of the redemption era a person is looking at it from, but both ways of looking at it still bring us home to the same truth.

The two divides of the redemption era are;

The pre-redemption era

The post-redemption era

Irrespective of the side of the human divide (i.e. redemption era) a person is, Jesus Himself gives us the true essence, meaning, or significance of “CASTING OUT DEMONS”. This is drawn from the following statement He made.

Mat 12:28  On the other hand, if I drive out demons by the power of the Spirit of God, then the end of Satan’s kingdom has come! 


Mat 12:29  Who would dare enter the house of a mighty man and steal his property? First he must be overpowered and tied up by one who is stronger than he. Then his entire house can be plundered and every possession stolen. (TPT)

Notice vs. 28, Jesus makes it clear that “DRIVING OUT DEMONS” or “CASTING THEM OUT,” is the evidence which signifies that THE KINGDOM OF GOD has finally come to mankind. At that time the KINGDOM OF GOD was represented and presented to the Jews by Jesus Christ being physically present with them or in the midst of them (Luke 17: 20, 21). But the Jews at the time never understood what Jesus meant, even His disciples (Luke 18: 31 – 34).

The pre-redemption era:

From that passage, we see that since the disciples of Jesus were casting out demons before Jesus finally redeemed or provided deliverance for humanity, it means that to them as Jesus points out “casting out demons” is the evidence/ sign that; THE END OF Satan's KINGDOM OR REIGN HAD COME, and the reign of THE KINGDOM OF GOD HAS ARRIVED, and to come into full swing at the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and His glorification.

This was the true essence or significance of “CASTING OUT DEMONS” as of then. This was what that act portrayed, but the disciples didn’t understand this.

The post-redemption era:  


It is proof that Satan’s kingdom and its reign over humanity have been officially or legally ended or closed by Jesus Christ. Hence, Paul makes the statement in Col 1:13,14.

This is why everything Satan is doing in the world today is illegal- he’s running illegal activities at present.

This explains why Jesus also speaks of “CASTING OUT DEMONS” as one of the signs mentioned in Mark 16:17. It is a sign as he earlier said that; THE KINGDOM OF GOD HAS FINALLY COMMENCED AND HAS FULLY TAKEN OVER RULERSHIP THROUGH CHRIST, AND THAT SATAN’S KINGDOM FINALLY HAS LEGALLY BEEN BROUGHT TO AN END.

But the tragedy today is that the majority of Believers not knowing the significance of “CASTING OUT DEMONS,” in the lives of unbelievers, in our cause of proclaiming the Word or truths of Christ, remain unaware of the sign it points us to, that WE ARE PRESENTLY LIVING IN THE AGE OF THE REIGN OF THE GRACE KINGDOM OF CHRIST, where Satan and his demons have become totally powerless.

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