What’s the extent or breadth of our deliverance, liberation, or freedom that we have received? To what extent has GOD guaranteed that we remain delivered or saved?

These are questions we want to address here. Of course, if I am to address this topic in its broad, expansive, or all-encompassing nature, it will take a full book to do so. Here we want to do a quick synopsis of this remarkable subject, while you snack along.

Our main text is 2 Corinthians 1: 10.

The Bible shows us the explicit truth that religion continues to conceal from people. The Gospel makes it unequivocally clear that we’ve been delivered already by Jesus Christ (Colossians 1: 13).

But what is the scope of this deliverance and to what extent do we enjoy or experience it? Is it a temporary or permanent deliverance? 

Let's read on to revel the truth.


The word deliverance is a synonym for salvation. Jesus saved or delivered the whole world from Satan, by destroying Satan’s legal authority or rulership over the human race (John 1: 29; 12: 31 – 33; 2 Corinthians 5: 14, 15). But not everyone knows they’ve been delivered already by Christ, in the legal sense, and even among those who might have heard of this good news, not all have acknowledged or received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. As a result, Satan continues to hold them captive illegally, because of their lack of knowledge of the truth of their emancipation.

Scripture therefore establishes the fact that we’ve been eternally delivered already (c.f. Isaiah 61:1; Luke 4:18; John 12:13; Eph 1:7; Col 1:13, 14; Heb 2:14,15).

When I say “WE” I’m not only referring to Believers alone, but unbelievers as well. The doctrine of limited atonement is a terrible religious fallacy. Jesus delivered everyone (John 1: 29; I Timothy 4: 10; Hebrews 2: 14, 15). The Bible indicates that the salvation and redemptive work that Jesus wrought was intended for the whole world, not just a select few. But the problem with unbelievers is that they’re yet to acknowledge what Christ did for them in His substitutionary sacrifice, and have thereby refused to receive Him as their Savior or Deliverer. By not receiving Him, they fail to receive the deliverance that He’s already provided for them, into their spirit, and become spiritually reborn. 

Now we must realize that this deliverance is spiritual. And it belongs to everyone. Spiritually speaking, man has been delivered from Satan’s dominion as said above. But this deliverance will have no meaning or impact in a person’s personal life until they acknowledge all that Christ has done for them in His finished work, and receive Him as their Lord and Savior.

As a Believer in Christ, you’re already delivered. You were delivered before you became Born Again, but then you received this deliverance the very moment you received the Christ. You’ve already received your deliverance in the New Birth. But then, that’s not all there is to it.


                                          THE OUTWARD MANIFESTATION                                           OF OUR DELIVERANCE 

Having received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, we are to recognize now that this deliverance which we have received spiritually, i.e. into our recreated spirit, through the New Birth, its power or effect continually progresses, manifests, or experienced outwardly, in the physical or natural realm. That even though it is something we possess spiritually, we continue to see or experience its power manifesting in our daily lives.

Let me say this again for the sake of emphasis.  

Our deliverance is so powerful such that its power extends from the spiritual dimension into the natural, i.e. we always experience a continual manifestation of its power in our daily lives, and circumstances.

This is what the apostle points out to us in 2 Corinthians 1: 10, that our deliverance is experienceable in the Past, Present, and Future. Meaning that it has a continuous effect or impact on us, in a way that we can manifest or experience it outwardly, in a way that isn’t limited or constrained to time, as we read Paul’s statement.

2 Corinthians 1:10  Who delivered us from so great a death, and doth deliver: in whom we trust that he will yet deliver us.   

First, Paul makes this statement to explain how they experienced the manifestation of GOD’S deliverance outwardly, in all the places where they journeyed to preach the Gospel message. They experienced GOD’S miraculous deliverances from various forms of physical danger or harm, as they engaged the opposers of Christ, with Grace truths. Paul expresses confidence that they would continue to experience the outward manifestation of this deliverance wherever they would take the Gospel.

But that’s not all the apostle is saying in the above verse.



The apostle also uses the above verse of 2 Corinthians 1: 10 to unveil further truth, about the extent of our salvation or deliverance. He uses the verse to point out the reality of the eternal security of our salvation or deliverance, that it is beyond time. It extends beyond the past, present, and future. By this statement, Paul is indicating unapologetically, that GOD is forever committed to keeping us safe and delivered for all time. No more fears!

Note the following phrases.

“who delivered us” = Past. meaning that we’ve been delivered.

“and doth deliver” = Present. Meaning that we stay delivered.  

“He will yet deliver us” = Future. Meaning that we will forever remain delivered, for all eternity.   

What does this mean? It implies that we who have received Christ, are forever saved past, present, and future. Our salvation or deliverance is forever a settled fact (Non-negotiable). Its scope or extent is beyond time. And, the power of it is expressible and experienced in the present moment, while in this body of ours, we will always experience the power of this deliverance in all our interactions in this world, through the way of escape, protection, or providence, that the Father continues to provide us in whatever circumstance or situations that may show up in our way, and then the power of this same deliverance will pick up our natural bodies and change it into the redemption body when the LORD shall appear to take away His Church from this evil world.

These realities Paul expresses in those expressions used;

“who delivered us” = Past.

“and doth deliver” = Present.

“He will yet deliver us” = Future.

We have received our deliverance, and its power manifests in the present in our physical bodies, our daily lives, and circumstances. And we shall also experience the ultimate manifestation of its power when we shall be changed and transported out of this present world.

All of this brings us to the understanding that our deliverance being spiritual, has a spiritual side, and then a physical side.



There are two parts here, and Paul captures these two parts of the contract in Colossians 1: 13. The first part is the part that says;

He delivered us;

The first part of the contract refers to everything that took place in the past; starting from Calvary through to the resurrection. All that Christ accomplished for humanity in His work of redemption. This is what Paul is referring to in the beginning part of Colossians 1: 13, which says;

“Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness,…”

Realize that the first “US” in this beginning part of Colossians 1: 13 refers to everyone in the world, not necessarily to Believers. But all of humanity. Not a chosen few.

This speaks of Jesus emancipating humanity from the dominion of Satan according to the following passages (Romans 5: 6; Hebrews 2: 14, 15; 1 Timothy 4: 10; 1 John 2: 2).

The second part of the spiritual side is the part that says;

And hath translated us;

This second part of the contract is expressed in the second part of Paul’s statement in the same Colossians 1: 13, which says;

“…and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:” 

Notice also that the “US” in this second part of this verse is referring specifically to everyone who’s Born Again, who having received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, Paul says have been translated into the Kingdom of GOD’S firstborn Son – Jesus Christ.

These two parts make up the spiritual side. The latter has been made possible by the former. These spiritual sides are the roots. They cannot be repeated. Nobody can be "spiritually delivered" a second time because that has been accomplished by Christ already on their behalf. What remains is for them to receive the deliverance that Christ has provided for them already, by receiving Christ Himself. And now as a Believer, you cannot be Born Again a second time. This is because the New Birth cannot be undone. Everyone can be recreated just once. And the act is an irreversible absolute.


This physical side has two parts as well. The first part is the part that says;

“and doth deliver” (2 Corinthians 1: 10).

This speaks of the physical or outward manifestation of the spiritual deliverance that Christ has already provided for us spiritually.

It is the outward manifestation of the power of the deliverance that GOD has made available for all men, based on His Loving Grace demonstrated through the one-time redemptive work of Jesus Christ. GOD in His grace allows us to experience the power of His deliverance in the physical dimension of our daily lives, in our physical bodies, minds, and circumstances.

This can manifest as; physical healing (James 5:16), rescue from any form of physical danger or harm (Romans 15: 31; 2 Thessalonians 3: 2), and various miraculous provisions of GOD in times of material need (Philippians 4: 19; 2 Corinthians 9: 8).

We can draw upon our spiritual deliverance to manifest its power in the physical realm. For instance; Peter was released from prison by an angel of GOD, as the Church prayed for his release (Acts 5:17-21, 12:1-19), Paul and Silas were also released from prison, as they prayed and sang in prison custody (Acts 16:16-24, 25,26)

We can draw upon the power of our deliverance to manifest in these aspects of our physical lives, again and again.

The second part of this physical side is also primarily for Believers alone, and is indicated by the statement;

And will yet deliver us;

This part speaks of when the power of this deliverance will change our mortal body making it immortal, and we will be physically taken out of this evil world at the very moment Christ returns for His Church.

Rom 13:11  And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.

The Greek word translated as “salvation” in this verse is “Soteria,” which is also translated as “deliverance.” (Strong’s). And can also read, “…for now is our deliverance nearer than when we believed.” 

What deliverance is Paul talking about? He is referring to our departure from this world any moment soon when our perishable bodies will be changed into imperishable, immortal bodies, at the sudden appearance of Jesus Christ.

This is also part of the physical or outward manifestation of the power of our deliverance.

Paul speaks further on this change of our bodies in the following passages (c.f. 1 Cor. 15: 51 – 54; 2 Cor. 5: 1 – 5; Philp. 3: 20, 21; 1 Thess. 4: 13 – 18).

From this, we can see that deliverance is a one-time event wrought by Christ for all of humanity, and receiving this deliverance through the new Birth is also a one-time event in the life of the Believer. However, experiencing the outward manifestations of the power of this deliverance in our daily lives and circumstances is continuous until we depart from this world.

You are immeasurably blessed!

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Anonymous said…
I am greatly blessed by this message sir. More revelations sir.

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