Text: 2 Thessalonians 2: 1 – 12 (all text reading taken from the KJV)

The Context

First, we must understand the issue which Paul seeks to address in this context. During Paul's day, some had forged a letter in Paul's name, claiming that the "day of the Lord had already taken place (See 2 Thess. 2: 2, 3), referring to the destruction of the temple and the burning down of Jerusalem in AD 70. Such false teaching unsettled many in the Church, bringing discomfort to them. Therefore, Paul had to clarify those lies, to clear the air and correct the misleading information or misconception that had been spread by those claiming that the "day of the Lord" had already occurred. He had to refute those false teachings, so as to put a stop to the trouble it was creating within the Churches at Thessalonica. To make his message very clear, the apostle had to separate two very distinct events; "the gathering away of the Church unto the Lord," and "the day of Christ," also referred to as "the day of the Lord" in some other Biblical passages (Joel 1: 15; 2: 1, 11, 31; 3: 14; Zech. 14: 1 – 5).

The Church Would've Been Gone Before The Tribulation and The "Day of The Lord"

From what we find Paul explaining, first, he makes it very clear that the second coming of the Lord will occur in two phases. The first phase will be His coming to rapture His Church away or out of the world. In this first phase of the Lord's second coming, He will not touch the earth, but will simply appear in the Heavenlies to call up the Church. This Paul refers to as "our gathering together unto the Lord" (vs. 1, emphasis mine). On the other hand, the second phase which is what he refers to as "the day of Christ" (vs. 2), which he says will not take place unless there is a "falling away" first (vs. 3). In this second phase the Lord will completely descend upon the earth and stand upon the mount of Olives, as revealed in the prophecy of Zechariah (Zech. 14: 1 – 5). By this distinction, Paul points it clearly that "our gathering together unto the Lord" and "the day of Christ," are two separate or distinct events, that will not take place at the same time. The former is to precede the latter.

Notice that Paul goes on to reveal that "the day of the Lord" will not come unless there is a "falling away" first. This is very indicative. It speaks of the events that will precede the "day of the Lord" after we (the present Church Believers) have been "gathered together unto the Lord," ahead of the "falling away" that will precede "the day of Christ." Notice that Paul specifies that the second phase of the second coming of Jesus Christ which he refers to as "the day of Christ" will not happen until the "falling away" occurs.

There's something worth knowing here. The Greek word translated as "falling away" is "apostasia" from which we get the English word apostasy. This word apostasia occurs only here and in Acts 21: 21, where it is also translated as "to forsake." The "falling away" or apostasy, referred to in 2 Thess. 2: 3, does not in any way refer to Believers in Christ who depart from the faith, otherwise it would mean that the assurance Jesus gave that none of His own will perish, would be made null and void (John 10: 28, 29). To understand what is here meant by the apostasy (i.e. falling away), the Greek text has the definite article "the apostasia" (Bagster), referring to that particular "falling away" or apostasy that will precede the tribulation days that will occur between the rapture of the Church and "the day of Christ" speaking of the second phase of His second coming (Matt. 24: 4 – 31; Rev. 6: 1 – 19: 21).

The word apostasia as we know means; to depart, departure, rebellion, to rise against, to turn away from, revolt, and so forth. But what many do not realize is that this apostasy as I have mentioned above does not refer to the falling away of Believers in Christ, but by the use of that word in that context, Paul speaking of a rebellion, or turning against GOD, and all that is about Him. This rebellion will be a total and intense global revolt against GOD, resulting from people's hatred for anything that has to do with Christ, and it will take place under the instigation of the man whom Paul refers to as "the man of sin," "the son of perdition" (2 Thess. 2: 3, 4), "that wicked one" (2 Thess. 2: 8). Only those who will be forever lost will follow in that revolt against GOD and against His Christ (2 Thess. 2: 10 – 12). No Believer of the present Church age will be around on earth to witness or be involved in such tribulation, and that's why the apostle already reassured the Believers to not be shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter, etc. because before the "falling away" which he speaks of shall occur, the Church of today shall have been raptured (See also 1 Thess. 4: 13 – 18; 1 Cor. 15: 51 – 58).

It is not unlikely that immediately after the rapture of the Church takes place, prior the "falling away," there will be an awakening among the Jews and few people of other nations, who will begin, or if you permit me to say, attempt to begin proclaiming the second phase of the return of Christ, and there will be miraculous signs confirming their proclamation as prophesied by Joel the prophet (Joel 2: 28, 29; Acts 2: 16 – 21). This will be the completion of Joel's prophecy, which began at the commencement of the Church age in Acts of the Apostles, but which later part will find its completion just before "the day of Christ" commences, during which there will be a revival of the Jewish nation, triggered by the rapture of the present Church age Believers. But the rest of the world will become terribly hardened and begin destroying those Jews and a few of the people of other nations proclaiming the second phase of the return of Christ. The death of these tribulation saints, if we may call them that is what's spoken of in the following passages of the Book of Revelations (Rev. 6: 9 – 11; 7: 1 – 17; 12: 17). The great whore spoken of in Rev. 17, which is mystery Babylon revived, will destroy multitudes of the tribulation revivalists or saints during the second three and a half years of Daniel's seventieth week (Dan. 9: 26, 27). During this time the antichrist will impose a ban on the worship of GOD, referred to in Daniel as sacrifice and oblation (Dan. 9: 27), the "he" in that verse speaks of the antichrist. Those who fail to heed the proscription of GOD worship will begin to be killed commencing from that second half of the seventieth week spoken of by Daniel. Remember, like I earlier mentioned, these so-called tribulation saints that will be affected by this saga, are not Believers (Born Again folks) of this present Church age who missed the rapture as some foolishly speculate. They are primarily Jews and a few people of other nations who would have taken a stand for Christ, after having been awakened to the truth following the rapture of the Church. They are the ones here spoken of, not us in the Church today. No Believer today will miss the rapture, whether dead or alive. The message of the rapture should never scare you as a Believer but bring you comfort, as Paul says "wherefore comfort one another with these words." (1 Thess. 4: 18).

He Who Now Letteth Will Let, Until He Be Taken Out of The Way

This statement was made by Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2: 7. Some have speculated that the "he" of this verse is referring to the Holy Spirit, that it cannot be a reference to the Church as the "he," because the Church has been widely believed to be the "bride of Christ" owing to the misreading of what Paul says in Ephesians 5: 33, and that the Church is spoken of as a virgin, a woman, and that it is referred to by feminine pronoun. But contrary to all of such assumptions, the Church is never referred to by feminine pronouns. never symbolized as a woman and never called the bride of Christ. This is because since the Church is referred to as the Body of Christ (1 Cor. 12: 12, 13, 27; Eph. 1: 22, 23), and Jesus is the Head of the Church (Col. 1: 18, 24), and being that it takes both head and body coming together to make a complete person, then it implies that both Jesus and the Church (His Body) combined make up a complete man. Paul says the Church together with Christ makes up one New Man (Eph. 2: 14, 15). More also, the Church is called a man (Eph. 4: 13). Secondly, the Bible tells us that as Christ is so are we (the Church) in this world (1 Jhn. 4: 17), also because Jesus Christ is masculine, it would be absurd to represent the Church, which is His Body as feminine, for as He is in spirit, so are we, says John the apostle. Comparing the Church i.e. the Body of Christ to a woman, a lady, a virgin, or a bride, would be unscriptural.

Furthermore, the "he" in that verse of 2 Thess. 2: 7 could not be referring to the Holy Spirit, because nowhere in the entire New Testament are we told or suggested that the Holy Spirit will leave the earth during the rapture of the Church, or by any other divine event. Also, the "he" cannot be a reference to Satan, because verse of 2 Thess. 2: 7 informs us that the "he" spoken of is the one restraining or holding back the power of lawlessness. I mean it is unthinkable that Satan who is the prince of lawlessness would be the one holding back the same lawlessness he seeks to bring upon people. Such a thought is absurd. Jesus says a kingdom cannot stand against itself, lest it will self-destruct (Mk. 3: 24). Therefore, the only option this leaves us is the Church.

The Church through the preaching and teaching of the Grace Gospel of Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit is the hinderer of lawlessness and is therefore, the "he" referred to in 2 Thess, 2: 7, and will continue to hinder lawlessness until "he" (the Church) is taken out of the way i.e. out of the world supernaturally, and then the lawless or wicked one shall be disclosed, who himself shall be vanquished seven years later, by Jesus Christ (vs. 7, 8).

This is the irrefutable proof that the rapture of the present Church will take place just before Daniel's seventieth week and the tribulation of Rev. 6: 1 – 19, 21. Therefore, anyone claiming to have received a different message contrary to what Paul has clearly outlined in 2 Thessalonians 2: 1 – 12, is False.

Case concluded!

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